
Typographic Matchmaking in the Maghrib presented in Badalona, Spain

by Laura Meseguer, at ESDAP on the occasion of The Days of ESADP : 'Women and Creativity" / II JORNADES ESDAP : DONA I CRATIVITAT

8 mrt 2016
  • 16:00 -20:30
  • ES ADP
  • Pau Gargallo de Badalona, 08915 Badalona

El pròxim dimarts 8 de març tindrà lloc les II Jornades de l'ESDAP "Dona i creativitat" a la NAU3 de Badalona.
Comencem a les les 16 h amb tres presentacions de projectes autoeditats en format zine, la xerrada de Laura Meseguer i el directe de Butza.

JaOui_SM - Qandus Latin composition by Laura Meseguer Laura Meseguer

16.00 h Lindero Libros - Topografies sentimentals
16.30 h Jessica Espinoza - Filles de plàstic: "Zines en temps de Tumblr"
17,00h Hola Ediciones - Los Archivos De Beauvoir: un projecte de teoria crítica i divulgació


18.00 h Laura Meseguer - La pràctica de dissenyar tipografies
En aquesta xerrada l'autora repassarà la seva trajectòria professional cronològicament. Estarà enfocada al disseny de tipografies, partint dels inicis fins a una mostra dels projectes desenvolupats actualment.

19.30 h Butza - Intervenció audiovisual


Laura Meseguer's one-hour presentation was very well attended and the audience specially the design schools' faculty and director were deeply interested in the project and its relevance to the context of this public art school. Badalona is a city attached to Barcelona, separated by the Besòs River. It's full of immigrants from the Maghrib living there.

We hope that we will be making the final presentation and exhibition of this project there when the work is complete and ready to share.

Laura is member of one of the design teams of the Typographic Matchmaking in the Maghrib project, working on the development of the Qandus font family. She bring is her Spanish background and her experience as a Latin lettering artists and type designer to the mix.
