Arabic Font Production

Tutorial Booklets in 3 Parts

Producing a functional font for the Arabic script is more a complex task than that for the Latin script. There are hardly any general and simple instructions available to help one in doing this kind of work. Starting type designers and design students, in particular, need such information to create functional font files.

AFT_Booklet(EN)_Covers - Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès

We believe that these practical and professional tutorial booklets will stimulate and help enhance the typographic culture of users of the Arabic script.

Stéphane Boeuf, computer engineer at Winsoft, has written the first 2 tutorials about the subject. These tutorial will be published in a series of three concise booklets. The first, is for creating simple 'typographic' fonts, and the second, will be published later for the more complex 'calligraphic fonts'. Finally, the third booklet in the series will be about making Arabic web fonts.