
Local / Not Local | محلی- غیر محلی

An exhibition that showcases the works of Arabic and Iranian designers based in California.

26 Jun 2014
29 Aug 2014

Join us Thursday night for an evening that celebrates the Arab and Iranian local design scene!
Opening Night : Thursday June 26 | 6:00 P.M.

Curated by: Maece Seirafi & Pouya Jahanshahi

Participating designers:
Yusef Al-Ahmad
Sam Siavash Anvari
Milka Broukhim
Kourosh Beigpour
Reem Hammad
Pouya Jahanshahi
Paymon Pojhan
Maece Seirafi
Shilla Shakoori
and others...

LOCAL / NOT LOCAL - Arabic & Iranian Typography Made in California - Arabic & Iranian Typography Made in California Sam Anvari

LOCAL / NOT LOCAL is an exhibition that showcases the works of Arabic and Iranian designers based in California.

This connection is reflected in their work in the form of on-going client work from the Middle East, self initiated projects, or locally based client work. The point of this exhibit is to break the notion that Arabic and Iranian typography is only practiced in the Middle East. Arab and Iranian designers reveal through their design practice that Arabic and Iranian typography has a place in California through community based projects, collaborations, and client work from abroad done locally.

Join us Thursday night for an evening that celebrates the Arab and Iranian local design scene!