As the name suggests, we wish to instigate a 'haraka', a movement forward, that will become an ideology to live by, in order to elevate even further the Arabic script design, communication, and art form.
Arab script design, is any design the uses the arabic letters, and not the Arabic language. So basically the Arab countries, Iran, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Indian regions where the Pashtu language is spoken.
We need to take an active role in what is happening around us. To become more aware of the consequences that every little bit of design has on its audience.
The manifesto is really about the following points:
1. We do not take an active part in our image in the media. Not only the perception the West has on us Arabs or Iran or Pakistan, etc. but also how little we know about each other. (point 2 and 3).
2. To strengthen the level of visual communication. It should not be acceptable for us to say that the audience knows no better, to use that as an excuse to execute poorly designed work. We have to bring the bar up. (point 2).
3. We feel compelled to mimic the West in style. Even when designing an Arabic font, a lot of designers use Latin rules to apply on Arabic fonts. We should take from our own rules and heritage and traditions to come up with design solutions that work for us. Of coarse if something from the West, or far East, or where ever, that will strengthen the work and CAN be applied to it, then by all means, be inspired… but not mimic them blindly, thinking we become better. Our uniqueness, rules, and heritage is what makes us - us. Don't forget that one of the things that make us unique as script is our "harakat" - vocalisation marks. (point 4)
After reading the "Harakat" manifesto found below, if you are interested in signing the manifesto, kindly contact me either through the, or at
As emerging graphic designers, art directors, and visual communicators who work with Arab script, we have a responsibility towards our social and cultural environment that demand our attention. Designers must become less dormant in their actions and start a 'Haraka', a movement that will not only 'shake things up', but possibly even make changes towards better cultural understanding.
As its name suggests, we encourage and acknowledge the active part that design plays in local and global visual cultures. We are held responsible for the following:
1. Increase awareness around the identity (or lack of) of Arab countries, Iran, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Indian regions where the Pashtu language is spoken in its everlasting change through time.
2. Heighten the level of visual culture in the Arab script media through advertising, specialized publications, music, exhibitions, photography, packages, architecture, signage, and other artistic communications.
3. To design with the frame of mind of the relation it has to its impact, surrounding, and audience. Design can not exist without people to see and understand its message.
4. Instill pride in traditional Arab script design, yet use suitable Western design cues when appropriate.