Web page: www.bienalcartel.org.mx
Mehdi Saeedi was Selected for member of jury at International Biennial of the Poster in Mexico 2008

MACA / Uruguay
JAN RAJLICH Jr. / Check Republic
The main purpose of the Tenth International Biennial of the Poster in Mexico 2008 (BICM for its abbreviation in Spanish) is to raise the quality of graphic design in Mexico , and to be both a point of reference and a meeting place for those working in this field throughout the world. We hope to achieve this by encouraging deep thought on social issues and by widely spreading its results. Date This Tenth Edition of the Biennial will hold its exhibition and international contest for poster designers at the FRANZ MAYER MUSEUM in Mexico City , from October 27, 2008 to February 15, 2009. Application forms will be available as of October 30, 2007. The deadline for receiving poster entries is May 31, 2008. For work sent by mail or other means, we will take into account the date stamped on the package or on the shipping form. Registration fees MEXICAN RESIDENTS: $150.00 (one hundred and fifty pesos) per poster. FOREIGN CONTESTANTS: The donation of design books will count as a registration fee; these books will be kept as part of the Library of Trama Visual, A.C. The poster designer shall send a book whose content must necessarily include design topics, disregarding the number of posters he/she submits to the contest. Regulations 1) Contestants may be design students, graphic designers, plastic artists, photographers and graphic producers in general, of any age and nationality, having posters printed between May 2006 and May 2008, except for those submitting as Category D (see Section 6). 2) Contestants may submit to the Selection Committee for consideration up to four posters or poster series taken as one work.
3)Technique and format are free, except for posters submitted as Category D, which must be 73 x 103 centimeters . 4. Posters will be evaluated and, if that is the case, selected by a Committee formed by distinguished designers and experts in graphic design, as well as by a representative of an international organization on design. The Committee will be chaired by a member of the international jury. 5. Posters submitted may participate in the following categories: Posters on cultural topics and activities
Posters on political and social issues Posters advertising commercial events, products or services Unpublished posters on the topic: GLOBAL WARMING
E. Posters for advertising bus-stop shelters / EUMEX PRIZE TO CREATIVITY
These are posters specifically designed by agencies, institutions or individuals for the bus-stop shelter system, managed by Equipamientos Urbanos de México (EUMEX) and its subsidiaries in other countries. 6. Original work on posters may participate in Category D. Contestants shall express their point of view on the effect and severe consequences on our planet generated by the GLOBAL WARMING phenomenon and shall also submit proposals for the solution of the problem. This topic will help society and its many organizations and institutions to become more aware of the need for greater collaboration in order to reverse this trend. 7.The best posters selected within this Category will be part of the collection made up on this topic. The International Biennial of the Poster in Mexico, in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), will raise the funds needed for the edition and presentation of this collection in various forums, and will give the authors credit for their work. 8.Posters participating in this Category shall be submitted in plotter or silkscreen printing, and the format shall be 73 x 103 centimeters. Posters mounted on a rigid base will not be accepted. NOTE: Students contending in this Category must send their design work By mail, in a compact disk or diskette, together with a printed letter-size version, and taking into account the corresponding specifications, before printing their posters (see Section 10). ONLY THE SELECTED STUDENTS WILL BE ASKED TO SEND THEIR PRINTED WORK DURING THE MONTH OF JULY 2008. 9) It is mandatory to submit three copies of each contending poster in categories A, B and C. The author shall decide if he/she wants to send more copies to be sold at auction through our Internet webpage, as a means of helping to finance the Biennial.
10) The authors shall submit, together with their posters, the corresponding digital file so that, if it is selected, their work can be reproduced for the Catalogue. The following specifications for the digital file must be met: files must have been created in graphic design software, in TIFF or EPS format, A4 or letter-size, including images linked to a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Fonts should either be converted to rasterized fonts or should be included. 11) The application form must be filled-in carefully, typed or printed with legible handwriting, and sent by mail or by e-mail with the posters. All work must have a copy of this form attached with masking tape (not glued) to the lower right-hand corner on the back of the poster. 12) In order to take care over the quality of the reproduction, no damaged posters will be accepted; proper packing is recommended. 13) The person in charge of the Biennial will be authorized to reproduce the posters submitted to the contest in catalogues, exhibitions, advertising editions and electronic means, as well as in non-profit advertising events for the Biennial, always giving the authors credit for their work. 14) Each selected contestant will get a 30% discount when buying catalogues, posters and commemorative editions. 15) All posters will become part of the collection of Trama Visual, A.C. 16) The organizers reserve the right to refuse the participation of posters considered as offending morals or insulting the culture of any country, as well as those, which do not comply with the dispositions herein. 17) Posters designed by members of the Jury or by members of the Work Selection Committee may be selected but may not be awarded with prizes. Prizes Each category will have three prizes. First prize: 3,500.00 USD, gold medal and diploma Second prize: Silver medal and diploma Third prize: Bronze medal and diploma 18) If there is no sponsor willing to pay for the economic prizes, the organizers of the BICM reserve the right to give only diplomas and medals as awards. 19) In addition, the International Jury will award the Gold Medal to Excellence, José Guadalupe Posada, to a participating designer or country known for its contribution to the development of graphic design in Mexico. 20) The Jury will also give the Carlos Lozano Prize (gold medal and diploma) to the most prominent young Mexican designer in the Ninth International Biennial of the Poster in Mexico. 21) ICOGRADA shall decide on who will be given the Icograda Excellence Award. 22) The authors selected will receive a certificate of participation. Shipment Posters and books donated by foreign contestants must be shipped, without declaring their commercial value, to the following address: BY MAIL: TRAMA VISUAL, A.C. Apartado Postal C.O.V.-538 C.P. 06721 Col. Doctores Delegación Cuauhtémoc México, D.F. BY PRIVATE COURIER OR DELIVERY IN PERSON, Directly to the office of TRAMA VISUAL, A.C.: Álvaro Obregón 73, Col. Roma, 06700 México, D.F. Tel. (52-55) 5514.8137 Fax (52-55) 5525.4265 E-mail: tramavis@prodigy.net.mx administracion@prodigy.net.mx Web page: www.bienalcartel.org.mx