Article: Report Edo Smitshuijzen, هدى سميتسهوزن أبي فارس
A turning point for Arabic typography and design
Report on the Khatt Kufi & Kaffiya symposium and the Typographic Matchmaking project presentations.
The Typographic Matchmaking project ( Arabic fonts and book ), the Khatt online community (www.khtt.net), the Khatt Kufi and Kaffiya | Symposium on Arabic Visual Culture , and the El Hema exhibition...
El HEMA got awarded the Dutch Design Prize!
We are pleased to announce that the 'El HEMA' exhibition was awarded the Best Dutch Design Awards 2007 in the visual identity category, and came second in the 'Audi(ence) prize'. Jans Possel and...
Exhibition & Book Launch Art Lounge, Beirut
Khatt Fonts
15Dec 200722Dec 2007Please join us in Beirut for the opening, if you can. Arabic type, book launch and art exhibition. 15 Lebanese designers and visual artists were invited to use the Khatt Arabic fonts (developed...
Pillowcase "Alf leila wa leila" wins second prize
El Hema design competition
This pillowcase is the submission from Nellie Keijzer for the El Hema design competition. It's an abstract translation of the concept "the Arabian nights". Arabic word 'night' (Leila) 1001 times...
New Arabic type design impresses Dutch lawyers…
El-HEMA Exhibition at Mediamatic
Good graphic design still creates a very powerful image. Sometimes even up to a level that it may mislead and subsequently embarrass captains of industry and top law firms.
Dubai's First Gulf Art Fair
Held in Dubai in early March, the Gulf Art Fair was the first international art fair to take place in the Middle East.
one arab example
Event: khatt kufi & kaffiya
From Amulet to Art Nouveau
24Aug 2007The history of printing in the Arab world and Europe is the story of a 500-year exchange of technology, imagery and design. The Arabs adopted printing long before Gutenberg, but did not use it for...
Another Arabic Cliche Exhibition
14Jul 200731Aug 2007Location: Ismaili Centre, London. Until 31 August 2007. The Khatt Foundation is not alone in its strife to present a better image of Arab culture to western audiences. Many organizations see the...
Event: ACAF
No Shape Stays Innocent
25Dec 20072Jan 2008Multipistes a multi-stage collaborative contemporary arts project www.multipistes.org and Alexandria Contemporary Arts Forum (ACAF) invite you to the North African-Middle East premieres of two of...
Arabic vintage cassettes
interesting calligraphy on old cassettes!
Back when people seriously cared about content rather than shape, about the heart rather than the peel, about the insides rather than the packaging - They didn't realise they created the most eye
International Design Forum, in Dubai
Moutamarat's first annual design forum in Dubai.
Dubai. May 27 - 29, 2007. Promoting design as a critical tool for cultural understanding and commercial excellence.
Mehdi Saeedi won “Grand Prize: US$10,000” at the…
The Announcement of " Taiwan International Poster Design Award 2007 The third " Taiwan International Poster Design Award" was sponsored by Department of Commerce, MOEA and endorsed by ICOGRADA and...
Event: TENT.
Dutch Design? Cosmo Design!
20Sep 2007Is Dutch Design an international language, or should it be more representative of our cosmopolitan society? An evening on cross-cultural initiatives such as 'el Hema' (Mediamatic) , 'Moslima Fashion'...
Article Edo Smitshuijzen
Sanaa Fashion Fusion
mixing tradition and globart street trends
Sanaa's streets are filled with very tasteful examples of a Arabic/western fashion fusion
Pink Sushi
New fashion, a colorful mix of Emirati visual icons.
Attempting to express oneself is of course a universal human endeavor. In rather conservative social environments this natural tendency has a special urgency.
Arabic in the Barnbrook Bible
a graphic manifesto and autobiography
"Jonathan Barnbrook’s new book, Barnbrook Bible, ranks amongst the most ambitious personal projects undertaken by any graphic designer. It is a 330-page monograph bursting with dazzling refinement.
A typographic matchmaking project for the 16th…
Winsoft is a French company that produces all the specific Arabic ME (Middle East) versions of the Adobe software collection. For some reason Winsoft seems to believe that the Arabic typography never...
Arabic in its many guises
“Is that Arabic? What does that say? Osama Bin Laden? Steal my bag and I’ll cut your hand off? Is there a bomb in that bag? These were just some of the responses from the Australian public when...
Event: The Third Line gallery
Life Drawing
20Dec 200710Jan 2008The Third Line is proud to present Life Drawing, Figurative Practises by Neda Hadizadeh, Ghadah Al Kandari, Hayv Kahraman and Lamya Gargash, whose works all converge through literal or fragmented...
In defence of a remarkable exhibition
The Spirit & Life exhibition
It was rather surprising to find the Spirit & Life exhibition in London dismissed on the Khatt site as just "another Arabic cliché exhibition". In the first place it is not, and nowhere claims to be
Event: Xanadu*, Art Lounge, Beirut
More Light Than Death Could Bear
8Sep 2007In the spirit of believing that poetry can be sound, light, texture, images- and possibly scent- xanadu* hosted a multi-faceted launch event for "More Light Than Death Could Bear".
Lady Bush in Arabia
a new cancer awareness in the region
Taken from the New York Times website.
كتاب: Raymond Prucher
talib type
tbp [to be published] April 08
I for one am weary of the East and West being presented within the frame of what we can learn from one another, sitting at a table and blubbering over missed opportunities. One does what one does, we...
Caracalla Dance Theater
The Lebanese Abdel-Halim Caracalla has tried to create a new language in dance with a style based on the amalgamation of the Western and Oriental, combining yesterday's heritage with today's...
Event: AMAL 007
From The Middle East with Love
22Oct 200731Oct 2007A special program on video art form the Middle East curated by Khaled Ramadan. Presented by the lecture "Independent video-making in the Middle East " by Khaled D. Ramadan, followed by a...
Publication: Ganzeer
Shakloh magazine
Online Visual PDF Magazine For Arab Artists
SHAKLOH is a free monthly PDF entirely visual magazine acting as a space of expression and promotion for Arab artists, designers, calligraphers, typographers, and photographers. Each issue is...
Blouzaat: urban art's wearable expressions
a view into the new urban art revolution in Jordan
It's always a disappointment to us art appreciators and artists when we go into stores to buy a t-shirt and find these extremely tacky, commercial, and generic t-shirt designs as well as being...
article Edo Smitshuijzen
Arabic geometry in contemporary architecture
Traditionally, geometric decorations play an important role in Arabic visual culture and Islamic art. Buildings often carry geometric patterns in tiles, mosaics and painted decorations.
Arabic Glyphs Proportions and Guidlines
The following article is a brief description of systems and guidelines used in Arabic calligraphy and Arabic type design field to achieve proportional and harmonious Arabic letters. This article is...
Generating Arabic Fonts
Developing and generating Arabic fonts is not as easy and straightforward as for Latin fonts.This article will cover Encoding, Glyph and Font naming, OpenType features and other topics concerning the...
Article 24 May 2007
MS Embedded Open Type format
Microsoft proposing the MS Embedded Open Type format
Microsoft is ready to propose to the World Wide Web Consortium (the W3C) that they adopt the MS Embedded Open Type format for all browsers and platforms.
The Big Kashida Secret
The great masters of Arabic calligraphy loved to show their skills but they did not put much of their knowledge on paper for others to learn. The same kind of secrecy did continue with the...