We'll have the whole day to ourselves in the theatre of the brand new public library of Amsterdam (OBA)
Admission and registration is from 9 on and the programme starts at 10:00 sharp.
We'll have lunch at the 8th floor restaurant with an amazing view over Amsterdam.
At 17:00 we'll wrap up and move to the next-door PostCS building where we'll celebrate the opening of El HEMA at Mediamatic!

Event: khatt kufi & kaffiya
Cultural Survival Kits and Other Practical Ideas
24Aug 2007Cultural survival kits… it would be real nice if we had ready-made ones to give out at the door with simple instruction manuals. Fortunately such things do not exist. Maybe survival manuals are not...
Event: khatt kufi & kaffiya
Google in Arabia: Introducing the Khatt Network…
24Aug 2007Movable type was the the new media of the 15th century. In Europe many rulers felt threatened by it, and they were right. They did not stop it though. They just tried to censor on the content level.
Event: khatt kufi & kaffiya
Visiting Shiba
24Aug 2007The National Museum of Yemen in the capital city of Sana’a was neglected when I arrived in 1998. The buildings needed repairs all over, windows were broken and the exhibits were covered in dust. The...
Event: khatt kufi & kaffiya
Dangerous Lingerie and Other Mid East Street…
22Aug 2007The Arab street – its vibrancy, innovativeness, traditions of design and contemporary expression – has been obscured by geopolitical issues. Any attempt to deviate from the established line that the...
Event: khatt kufi & kaffiya
The Clash of Motion Picture
24Aug 2007Talk and short video screening by Khaled D. Ramadan. Planet of the Arabs by video maker Jacki Salloum.
Event: khatt kufi & kaffiya
On Activism, Design and Politics in the Arab World
24Aug 2007Politics, in the form of contemporary cultural resistance projects and in the history of Arab political posters, will be the subject of the presentation.
Event: khatt kufi & kaffiya
24Aug 2007The Dutch government stimulates contact between groups of different backgrounds by establishing a House for Cultural Dialogue in the four main cities of the Netherlands. These ‘houses’ facilitate...
Event: khatt kufi & kaffiya
Unfamiliar Territories, Arabic Type and Modern…
24Aug 2007Peter Bilak will speak about methodologies of approaching unfamiliar areas of work.
Event: khatt kufi & kaffiya
From Amulet to Art Nouveau
24Aug 2007The history of printing in the Arab world and Europe is the story of a 500-year exchange of technology, imagery and design. The Arabs adopted printing long before Gutenberg, but did not use it for...
Event: khatt kufi & kaffiya
Interface, Expressive Western and Arabic…
24Aug 2007For nearly twenty years, Brody Neuenschwander has worked with the British film maker Peter Greenaway to produce calligraphy for films, installations and operas such as Prospero's Books, The Pillow...
Event: khatt kufi & kaffiya
The Enchanted Canary*
24Aug 2007'If I do not mistake, you come from far. May I ask where you are going?' 'I will tell you,' answered Désiré, 'though most likely you will laugh at me. I dreamed that in the land of the sun there was...
Event: khatt kufi & kaffiya
Writing From The Margins
24Aug 2007Narratives of Arabic typography shift between technological exclusion, historical resistance, and cultural rediscovery. From negotiations surrounding the display of Arabic script by Internet browsers
Event: khatt kufi & kaffiya
The Current Market for Arabic Fonts
24Aug 2007The Arabic type market has changed dramatically in the last few years, and this has been mainly inspired by recent technology developments, globalization and the growth of the Arab graphic design...
Event: khatt kufi & kaffiya
The Typographic Landscapes of the Arab World
24Aug 2007Tarek Atrissi’s will present a research on aesthetic trends and design conventions in the Arab world, through the analysis of selected current practices in Arabic type design, corporate identities
Event: khatt kufi & kaffiya
The Typographic Matchmaking Project: Developing…
24Aug 2007Willem Velthoven interviewing the Typographic Matchmaking Type Designers: Nadine Chahine, Gerard Unger, Tarek Atrissi, Peter Bilak, Pascal Zoghbi, Lucas de Groot, and Lara Assouad Khoury.
Book khatt kufi & kaffiya هدى سميتسهوزن أبي فارس 1 Aug 2007
Typographic Matchmaking
This book is out of print
Copyright©2007. Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFares Published by BIS Publishers, Amsterdam. 2007 ISBN 978-90-6369-124-0 A new edition is available for ordering from Khatt Books. Click here to place your...
Event: Stichting Mediamatic
El HEMA Project
24Aug 20076Jan 2008What would an Arabic HEMA look like? Halal sausage? Arabic chocolate letters? Affordable high quality headscarves? 3 Palestinian scarfs (kaffia) for the price of 2? Tunics or Djballas? School...
conference program
Khatt Kufi Kaffiya, the printable symposium…
Lectures are described in detail with timings and links to the speakers' biographies.
The symposium program has been evolving and includes topics of every aspect of contemporary Arabic visual culture and identity, going beyond the stereotypes of what is associated with Arabic culture...