
The Bottles of Ali


03-BottlesOfAli_Photo.jpg - ©2008. Khatt Design Collection of Vinyl Wall Stickers. Design by Bahia Shehab. Cal Walsh

The Bottles of Ali are inspired from the stucco muqarnas niches in the 'music room' of Ali Qapu, the 17th century Safavid Palace of Shah Abbas in Isfahan, Iran. Such bottles have been decorating walls in the shops of ancient Arab pharmacists and alchemists for centuries. Anybody walking down the Khan el Khalilsouq can still see some of these delicate glassware filled with aromatic essential magic. Finally, The Bottles of Ali is a Middle Eastern rendition of a Giorgio Morandi painting.

Colour: 2 shades of grey & 3 shades of green. Approx. size: 250 x 50 cm