Luma Shihab-Eldin is a graphic designer currently living in New York City and working in branding. She grew up shuttling back and forth between California and Kuwait, which instilled an appreciation of western and eastern cultures that is evident throughout her body of work. After graduating from high school in Cairo, Egypt, she traveled to Beirut, Lebanon to pursue an undergraduate degree in Political Science at the American University of Beirut. Once there, she was jaded by the reality of politics and more intruiged by the power of visual communication and the fundamental impact it has on society. Formally trained as a graphic designer, she has always applied the construct that design increasingly influences our interconnected world, shaping perspectives and shifting cultures. Luma's work has always placed an emphasis on establishing a sense of purpose. Applying concepts of corporate and social responsibility into a brand's legacy is a particular interest in her approach to design. She has applied these skills in various formats; print, web, interactivity, for a variety of different clients. She satisfies her social interests by pursuing pro-bono projects, working on strategy and design projects with organizations such as Combatants for Peace, Dreams of a Nation, Empax, and the Eyebeam Art and Technology Middle East Research Group.
Luma Shihab-Eldin

2004-2006 Masters of Fine Arts in Design, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York
1998-2003 Bachelor of Graphic Design, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon