Wael Morcos

Lebanese Vernacular Type

Vernacular bookmarks

When type mixes with art, superstitions, formalities, religious affiliations and social behaviour the result is a vernacular way of expression. Lebanese trucks are filled with typographic sentences, some painted directly and others are vinyl letter shapes and illustrations stuck on any side of a moving truck.

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Most visuals reflect beliefs in the evil eye, envy, and ask the protection of God. Truck drivers and people working in the Public Transport- or whatever form of that available in Lebanon, have their business on the road. A protection from daily hazardous accidents is something they need.

The messages on the bookmarks focused on those expressions and inscriptions of the slang arabic/lebanese language often found on vehicles in public legumes markets. Photos are treated as visual clues and grouped under similar topics to produce one sequential typographical series where culture, traditions and beliefs mix.